South Sydney P.S.S.A Swimming – Botany Pool TBC
Thursday 27 th February 2025
Chris Rogers -Crown St PS 93604187
Janna Pots- St Peters PS 9519 6307
School, zone and Association swimming championships are permitted to take place during Term 1.
Children must swim in their age group.
The Convener reserves the right to alter the order of the program.
NO SMOKING in front of students at this school event. Thank you for your co-operation.
Swimming Classification for Primary Students Multi Class
For primary and secondary students requiring classification. Please ring Greta Brodie 028047 8509 Greta.brodie@nsw.swimmimg.org.au
NOTE: Multi-Class Swimmer Eligibility (NSWPSSA)
All MC Swimmers with a physical disability and intellectual classifications require NR (National Review) classification status in order to be eligible to compete at our sanctioned PSSA events.
A Provisional Classification (for Functional Disability Classes 1-10) is not eligible for state or national level competition. All other disability classes require the athlete’s name to appear on the relevant organisation Master List prior to competition.
Further information: Peter Cardy -Disability Inclusion Officer, School Sports Unit Email: Peter.cardy@det.nsw.edu.au
Sydney East Carnival
Monday 10th March 2025
Warm up: 2.30pm, Competition start time: 3.00pm to 7.30pm
Event Information:
SE - Primary Swimming Championship (nsw.gov.au)